I'm doing a Q-learning algorithm and I'm designing my reward function. Basically I'm working on optimizing a network while changing some parameters. My metric to measure its optimization is the delay on a flow of data (generated).
I've discretized my delay values in intervals and now I'm designing the rewards. What I was thinking about is, as I want to prioritize lower delays to use a non linear function such as $1/x^2$. The range of my delays are usually from $10$ to $40$ secs (depending on the perturbations). It works well when the delay is varying a lot, but way less good when the delay isn't varying that much (with low perturbations).
I was then wondering if there are restrictions on reward functions. What I wanted to do is to have different parts depending on the value. Like if my value is in an interval under $15$ secs can I normalize the value? And use another way to calculate reward when it's in an interval above?
I'm new to reinforcement learning so maybe what I said is non sense, but I would gladly hear any advice or idea.