Give the one-hot state vector $\boldsymbol{x}(s)=[x_1(s),x_2(s)]^T$ and action spaces $A(s)=\{a_1,a_2\}$ for all $s$.
In a course, I was taught to construct "stack" input vectors like $[x_{11}(s,a),x_{21}(s,a),x_{12}(s,a),x_{22}(s,a)]^T$ with $x_{ij}(s)=1$ if the action is $a_j$ and the state is $s_i$, and the output is just $q(s,a)$.
However, in DQN, the input vector is $\boldsymbol{x}(s)=[x_1(s),x_2(s)]^T$, and the output vector is $[q(s,a_1),q(s,a_2)]$.
My question is: What are the usual ways to construct input and ouput vectors in Reinforcement Learning to learn the action value function q(s,a)? Are there any other methods?