The paper you are referencing actually already achieving text-to-image generation.
It's a tricky question in my opinion, since the process that is modelled by neural network during denoising process is in fact a random stochastic process so there is no direct map between text embedding and resulting image. Actually diffusion process is a way to sample a "point" ( image in this case ) from conditional distribution (where the condition is a text input ).
But since neural networks are not stochastic in nature, the model itself is in fact a mapping in a sense. It's not bijective, so it's not a one-to-one map, but rather an injective map, so its many-to-one map. Since you can construct two inputs for simple feedforward layer such that it gives the same output. However it is not stochastic, that is if you give it the same inputs it will produce the same output every time.
The "randomness" or "generative" power of the models comes from the fact that each input is actually slightly different. Usually its common mechanism for all generative networks, the input variable is sampled from some known distribution ( often its normal gaussian ). So if you would give the model some prompt, to generate an image, something like the following will happened:
- Create embedding for the prompt ~ $x_{\text{text}}$
- Sample random variable $z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)$.
- Concatenate them together to obtain the input $x = [x_{\text{text}}, z]$
- Run the neural network to create an associated image: $\text{DenoisingDiffusion}(x)$
So if in my toy example if $z$ is always the same value, the resulting image will actually be the same.