There may be a confusion between root finding and optimization.
Your formula appears designed to find a point where a scalar function $f$ of several variables is equal to zero. However, this goal is not particularly useful. Generically, a function of $n$ variables equals zero on some $(n - 1)$-dimensional space. Your formula may converge to some point in this space. But why does one want to find such a point?
If the goal is fitting a model, and $f$ is a loss function, one wants to find a point where $f$ is minimized, not where $f = 0$. (Note, even if somehow one knew a priori that $f$'s minimum value is zero, Newton's method would be an inefficient way to find it.)
One can also frame minimization as finding a point where $\nabla f = 0$, but this is finding a root of a vector function (i.e., simultaneous root of $n$ scalar functions), not of a single scalar function.