I was reading about a study on neural scaling laws from 2017 and they noted this as a summary. From Hestness, Joel; Narang, Sharan; Ardalani, Newsha; Diamos, Gregory; Jun, Heewoo; Kianinejad, Hassan; Patwary, Md Mostofa Ali; Yang, Yang; Zhou, Yanqi (2017-12-01). "Deep Learning Scaling is Predictable, Empirically". arXiv:1712.00409 [cs.LG].
One of the studies was generative LM with an LSTM. Since then of course we use transformers for this which have beaten every benchmark. Transformers are an architecture change meaning that there should be no change in the power here, so why do they perform better?
Is it a matter of them having a lower loss coefficient here? Is anyone aware of any studies done on the scaling laws between LSTM/Transformers? In the case of a decoder model I would assume the training time for an LSTM is the same given they are both decoding at every step.