This question is about Reinforcement Learning and variable action spaces for every/some states.
Variable action space
Let's say you have an MDP, where the number of actions varies between states (for example like in Figure 1 or Figure 2). We can express a variable action space formally as $$\forall s \in S: \exists s' \in S: A(s) \neq A(s') \wedge s \neq s'$$
That is, for every state, there exists some other state which does not have the same action set.
In figures 1 and 2, there's a relatively small amount of actions per state. Instead imagine states $s \in S$ with $m_s$ number of actions, where $1 \leq m_s \leq n$ and $n$ is a really large integer.
To get a better grasp of the question, here's an environment example. Take Figure 1 and let it explode into a really large directed acyclic graph with a source node, huge action space and a target node. The goal is to traverse a path, starting at any start node, such that we'll maximize the reward which we'll only receive at the target node. At every state, we can call a function $M : s \rightarrow A'$ that takes a state as input and returns a valid number of actions.
A naive approach to this problem (discussed here and here) is to define the action set equally for every state, return a negative reward whenever the performed action $a \notin A(s)$ and move the agent into the same state, thus letting the agent "learn" what actions are valid in each state. This approach has two obvious drawbacks:
Learning $A$ takes time, especially when the Q-values are not updated until either termination or some statement is fulfilled (like in experience replay)
We know $A$, why learn it?
Another approach (first answer here, also very much alike proposals from papers such as Deep Reinforcement Learning in Large Discrete Action Spaces and Discrete Sequential Prediction of continuous action for Deep RL) is to instead predict some scalar in continuous space and, by some method, map it into a valid action. The papers are discussing how to deal with large discrete action spaces and the proposed models seem to be a somewhat solution for this problem as well.
Another approach that came across was to, assuming the number of different action set $n$ is quite small, have functions $f_{\theta_1}$, $f_{\theta_2}$, ..., $f_{\theta_n}$ that returns the action regarding that perticular state with $n$ valid actions. In other words, the performed action of a state $s$ with 3 number of actions will be predicted by $\underset{a}{\text{argmax}} \ f_{\theta_3}(s, a)$.
None of the approaches (1, 2 or 3) are found in papers, just pure speculations. I've searched a lot, but I cannot find papers directly regarding this matter.
Does anyone know any paper regarding this subject? Are there other approaches to deal with variable action spaces?