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Is there a metric to compare BOW vs TFIDF results?

I am working on a document search task and have used Bag of Words (BOW) and TFIDF vectorization techniques. My observation after going through some sample searches are - Both of them seem to provide ...
Amit Pathak's user avatar
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Which data representation of text as input for NLP Deep Learning models?

I have been given a data set with 30.000 text documents (each text file is rather small with respect to its length and consists in most cases of around 20 sentences), which are labelled with 0 or 1. ...
MiFischer22's user avatar
8 votes
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Why are documents kept separated when training a text classifier?

Most of the literature considers text classification as the classification of documents. When using the bag-of-words and Bayesian classification, they usually use the statistic TF-IDF, where TF ...
freesoul's user avatar
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