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Particle filtering versus variational inference in dynamic bayesian networks

I am looking at a paper that references dynamic bayesian networks--the simplest case being a hidden markov model. The author uses a particle filter to model the posterior distribution for the current ...
krishnab's user avatar
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Why are Directed Graphical Models considered ML methods?

Consider the following problem. The probability of being born in countries [1,2,3,4] is given by [a, b, c, d] respectively. This is a categorical problem. Now, assume that the height of a person ...
user1029384756's user avatar
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In the original GAN paper, why is it mentioned that you can sample deep directed graphical models without a Markov chain?

In the original GAN paper (table 2), why is it mentioned that you can sample deep directed graphical models without a Markov chain (well, they say without difficulties, but others list MCMC as a ...
beelze-b's user avatar
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In Probabilistic Graphical Model (written by Daphne Koller), what's the meaning of "parameter" in representation of the distribution?

I just started to read the PGM book written by Daphne Koller. In the chapter of Bayesian Network Representation(Chapter 3), there are some descriptions about the standard parameterization of the joint ...
Hongmin Yang's user avatar
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Deriving hyperparameter updates in Online Interactive Collaborative Filtering

I've been going through "Online Interactive Collaborative Filtering Using Multi-Armed Bandit with Dependent Arms" by Wang et al. and am unable to understand how the update equations for the ...
Shashank Gupta's user avatar
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What does a hybrid Bayesian network contain?

The field of artificial intelligence is so vast. There are many methodologies for handling continuous data, and I have just read about the hybrid Bayesian network. I just want to know that what a ...
saiqa jabeen's user avatar