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How are these two equations for the optimal state-value function equivalent?

By substituting the optimal policy $\pi_{\star}$ into the Bellman equation, we get the Bellman equation for $v_{\pi_{\star}}(s)=v_{\star}(s)$: $$ v_{\star}(s) = \sum\limits_a \pi_{\star}(a|s) \sum\...
DSPinfinity's user avatar
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What is the difference between a greedy policy and an optimal policy?

I am struggling to understand what is the difference between an optimal policy and a greedy policy. Let $F(r_{t+1},s_{t+1}| s_t,a_t)$ be the probability distribution accorting to which, given action $...
fennel's user avatar
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Are the state-action values and the state value function equivalent for a given policy?

Are the state-action values and the state value function equivalent for a given policy? I would assume so as the value function is defined as $V(s)=\sum_a \pi(a|s)Q_{\pi}(s,a)$. If we are operating a ...
InvestingScientist's user avatar
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Apart from the state and state-action value functions, what are other examples of value functions used in RL?

In reinforcement learning, we often define two functions, the state-value function $$V^\pi(s) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi} \left[\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \gamma^{k}R_{t+k+1} \Bigg| S_t=s \right]$$ and the state-...
nbro's user avatar
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Are these two definitions of the state-action value function equivalent?

I have been reading the Sutton and Barto textbook and going through David Silvers UCL lecture videos on YouTube and have a question on the equivalence of two forms of the state-action value function ...
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