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Questions tagged [thought-vectors]

For questions related to thought vectors, which are a generalization of word embeddings to e.g. sentences.

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Flatten image using Neural network and matrix transpose

I have read a lecture note of Prof. Andrew Ng. There was something about data normalization like how can we flatten an image of (64x64x3) into a (64x64x3)*x1 vector. After that there is pictorial ...
Encipher's user avatar
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How do I determine the best neural network architecture for a problem with 3 inputs and 12 outputs?

This post continues the topic in the following post: Is it possible to train a neural network with 3 inputs and 12 outputs?. I conducted several experiments in MATLAB and selected those neural ...
ayr's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to train a neural network with 3 inputs and 12 outputs?

The selection of experimental data includes a set of vectors of different dimensions. The input is a 3-dimensional vector, and the output is a 12-dimensional vector. The sample size is 120 pairs of ...
ayr's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can an AI be made to maintain a train of thought?

This mostly refers to human-like or chatbot AI, but could maybe be used in other applications (math or something?). Basically, it occurred to me, that when I'm thinking or speaking, there is a ...
Sebastian Hahn's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can thought vectors be used outside of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) context?

We hear a lot today about how thought vectors are the Next Big Thing in AI, and how they serve as the underlying representation of thought/knowledge in ANN's. But how can one use thought vectors in ...
mindcrime's user avatar
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