BY DAY: Teach Software Engineering with a Computer Engineering leaning at Milwaukee School of Engineering
FOR FUN: Exploring health with my wife, reading board-books to my daughter, building computer vision algorithms, contemplating the mysteries of the universe.
Summer 2020:
I'm reactivating my Stack Overflow account. I'm hoping that I've learned to think about Stack Overflow more responsibly and to contribute meaningfully while avoiding non-meaningful contributions.
Fall 2019:
I'm deactivating my main Stack Overflow account. I'm sorry I can't respond to your edit suggestions and comments on my previous questions.
This isn't primarily about the huge mess on Stack Overflow right now. It's about me being too caught up in getting another upvote and forgetting about the important things in life.
I'm still actively promoting Stack Overflow Teams in my classroom for the duration of the Winter 2019-2020 Quarter. We'll see what happens as time goes by.
ConstituentMay 24, 2022