I have a tic-tac-toe with a Q-learning algorithm, and the AI plays against the same algorithm (but they don't share the same Q matrix). But after 100200,000 games, I still beat the AI very easily and it's rather dumb.
My selection is made by epsilon greedy policy.
What could cause the AI not to learn?
Here is how I do it (pseudo code):
for(int i = 0; i < 200000; ++i){
//Game is restarted here
And in my ticTacToe I have a simple loop :
swapPlaying(); //Change the players' turn
Position toPlay = playing.whereToMove();
//Here I just update my players whether they won, draw or lost.
In my players, I select the move with epsilon-greedy implemented sa below :
Moves moves = getMoves(); // Return every move available
Qvalues qValues = getQValues(moves); // return only qvalues of interest
//also create the state and add it to the Q-matrix if not already in.
if(!optimal) {
updateEpsilon(); //I update epsilon with simple linear function epsilon = 1/k, with k being the number of games played.
double r = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX; // Random between 0 and 1
if(r < epsilon) { //Exploration
return randomMove(moves); // Selection of a random move among every move available.
else {
return moveWithMaxQValue(qValues);
} else { // If I'm not in the training part anymore
return moveWithMaxQValue(qValues);
And I update with the following :
double reward = getReward() // Return 1 if game won, -1 if game lost, 0 otherwise
double thisQ, maxQ, newQ;
Grid prevGrid = Grid(*grid); //I have a shared_ptr on the grid for simplicity
prevGrid.removeAt(position) // We remove the action executed before
string state = stateToString(prevGrid);
thisQ = qTable[state][action];
mawQ = maxQValues();
newQ = thisQ + alpha * (reward + gamma*maxQ - thisQ);
qTable[state][action] = newQ;
As mentioned above, both AI have the same algorithm, but they are two distinct instances so they don't have the same Q-matrix.
I read somewhere on Stack Overflow that I should take in account the movement of the opposite player, but I update a state after player move and opponent move so I don't think it's necessary.