The position of a robot on a map contains of an x/y value, for example $position(x=100.23,y=400.78)$. The internal representation of the variable is a 32bit float which is equal to 4 byte in the RAM memory. For storing the absolute position of the robot (x,y) only $4+4=8$ bytes are needed. During the robot movements, the position is updated continuously.
The problem is, that a 32 bit float variable creates a state space of $2^{32}=4294967296$. Which means there are endless amount of possible positions in which the robot can be. A robot control system maps the sensor readings to an action. If the input space is large, then the control system gets more complicated.
What is the term used in the literature for describing the problem of exploding state space of sensor variables? Can it be handled with discretization?