I came across a news article from 2018 where the president of India was saying that Sanskrit is the best language for ML/AI. I have no idea regarding his qualification on either AI or Sanskrit to say this but this idea has been floated earlier in the context of NLP. Specifically, Rick Briggs had said so in 1985.
I know elementary Sanskrit and I know NLP. I can understand the point that as a strongly declined language Sanskrit is less ambiguous than say English as the position of words in a sentence are not important. Add to it the fact that words are also declined (that's not the technical term for verbs and I am not sure what is) so that verb gender and number help identify which entity they refer to.
However, that point was valid in 1985. My question is that post the Deep Learning revolution of the last couple of years is it still relevant? Especially given the fact that humans still have to first learn Sanskrit in case NLP is done in Sanskrit.
Of course, as can be guessed from the tone of the question, I am of the opinion that Sanskrit is not relevant for AI now but I wanted to know if someone who works in AI thinks otherwise and if so what is their reason so think so.