I was following a reinforcement learning course on coursera and in this video at 2:57 the instructor says
Expected SARSA and SARSA both allow us to learn an optimal $\epsilon$-soft policy, but, Q-learning does not
From what I understand, SARSA and Q-learning both give us an estimate of the optimal action-value function. SARSA does this on-policy with an epsilon-greedy policy, for example, whereas the action-values from the Q-learning algorithm are for a deterministic policy, which is always greedy.
But, can't we use these action values generated by the Q-learning algorithm to form an $\epsilon$-greedy policy?
We can, for instance, in each state, give the maximum probability to the action with the greatest action-value and the rest of the actions can have probability $\frac{\epsilon}{\text{number of actions}}$. Because we do a similar thing with SARSA, where we infer the policy from the current estimate of action-values after each update.