Soft Actor-Critic paper proposes $\pi_{new}=\arg\min_{\pi'\in \prod}D_{KL}\left(\pi'(\cdot|s_t)\big|\big| \frac{\exp(Q^{\pi_{old}}(s_t,\cdot))}{Z^{\pi_{old}}(s_t)}\right)$
Paper says, we update the policy towards the exponential of the new Q-function(is it really a new Q function when it is $Q^{\pi_{old}}$..?) because it guarantees to result in an imporved policy in terms of its soft value.
Does it mean, Q is exponential by just a modeling/analytical reason, as it allows us to proof the soft policy improvement theorem? There is no intuitive explanation about it?
It says $Z^{\pi_{old}}(s_t)$ is a partition function which normalizes the distribution. I understand that its usage is to normalize the distribution. However, what does it mean by partition function? Can someone provide a descriptive explanation/example about it to better understand what is partition function and how it is used to normalize the distribution of $exp(Q^{\pi_{old}}(s_t,\cdot))$?