recently I'm trying to read a paper by Hoffman and Johnson discussing an alternative decomposition of ELBO in variational autoencoders. In formula (9) and (10) of their original paper, they proposed some pre-requisite assumptions as follows:
\begin{equation} q(n, z) \triangleq q(n)q(z|n);\ q(z|n) \triangleq q(z|x_n);\ q(n)=1/N \end{equation}
\begin{equation} p(n, z) \triangleq p(n)p(z|n);\ p(z|n) \triangleq p(z);\ p(n)=1/N \end{equation}
where n is the index of a randomly picked instance from a size $N$ subsample from the data distribution $p(x)$. With these preliminaries, H&J derived equation (11):
\begin{equation} \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^{N} \mathrm{KL}(q(z_n|x_n)\|p(z_n)) = \mathrm{KL}(q(z)|p(z)) + \log{N} - \mathbb{E}_{q(z)}[\mathbb{H}[q(n|z)]] \end{equation}
I had no problem deriving (11) from (9) and (10), but why $p(z|n)\triangleq p(z)$? Pardon me if I have missed any critical statement in the context, but these authors seemed not to have given any justification on this formula before using it. How could one assume that the posterior probability $p(z|n)$ to get a specific $z$ given an $x_n$ is independent of $x_n$?
I will really appreciate it if you can provide some better insight! Thank you!