The notion of a state in reinforcement learning is (more or less) the same as the notion of a context in contextual bandits. The main difference is that, in reinforcement learning, an action $a_t$ in state $s_t$ not only affects the reward $r_r$ that the agent will get but it will also affect the next state $s_{t+1}$ the agent will end up in, while, in contextual bandits (aka associative search problems), an action $a_t$ in the state $s_t$ only affects the reward $r_r$ that you will get, but it doesn't affect the next state the agent will end up in. The typical problem that can be formulated as a contextual bandit problem is a recommender system.
In CBs, like in RL, the agent also needs to learn a policy, i.e. a function from states to actions, but actions that you take in a certain state are independent of the actions you take in other states.
So, as Sutton and Barto put it (2nd edition, section 2.9, page 41), contextual bandits are an intermediate problem between (context-free) bandits (where there is only one state or, equivalently, no state at all) and the full reinforcement learning problem.
Another important characteristic of many RL algorithms, such as Q-learning, is that they assume that the state is Markov, i.e. it contains all necessary info to take the optimal action, but, of course, RL is not just applicable to fully observable MDPs. In fact, even Q-learning has been applied to POMDPs, with some approximations and tricks.
Regarding the use of neural networks to approximate $q(s, a)$ or a policy in CBs, in principle, this is possible. However, given that the optimal action in a state $s$ is independent of the optimal action in another state $s'$, this is probably not useful, but I cannot guarantee you that this has not been successfully done, because I've not yet read the relevant literature (maybe someone else will provide another answer to address this aspect).