I'm going through the David Silver RL course on YouTube. He talks about environment internal state $S^e_t$, and agent internal state $S^a_t$.
We know that state $s$ is Markov if
When we say that Decision Process is Markov Decision Process, does that mean:
- All environment states must be Markov states
- All agent states must be Markov states
- Both (All environment states and all agent states must be Markov states)
and according to this, if we specify corresponding MDP as $(\mathcal{S}, \mathcal{A}, \mathcal{P}, \mathcal{R}, \gamma, T)$, is $\mathcal{S}$ the state space of environment states or agent states?
Why I'm confused by this? He claims that environment states are Markov (I'm also confused why, but I'll make another post for this), and then claims that if the agent can directly see environment internal state $S^e_t$, then observations $O_t=S^e_t$, and agent constructs its state trivially as $S^a_t=O_t=S^e_t$. Now, both environment and agent states are Markov (since they are the same), so this makes sense. If we specify MDP as $(\mathcal{S}, \mathcal{A}, \mathcal{P}, \mathcal{R}, \gamma, T)$, it's clear that state space $\mathcal{S}$ is state space of both agent internal states and environment internal states (again, since they are the same).
Now consider the case when the environment is not fully observable. Now $O_t\ne S^e_t$, and agent must construct it's state $S^a_{t}=f(S^a_{t-1}, H_t)$, where $H_t=(O_0, A_0, R_1, O_1,...,O_{t-1}, A_{t-1}, R_t, O_t)$ is history until time step $t$, and $f$ is some function (such as Recurrent Neural Network for example). In the case of $f$ being a recurrent neural network, we have that both environment internal states are Markov (by this hypothesis), and agent internal states are Markov (approximately), so again, the process is an MDP $(\mathcal{S}, \mathcal{A}, \mathcal{P}, \mathcal{R}, \gamma, T)$, but state space of agent states is different to that of environment states, so I'm confused about what is $\mathcal{S}$ here. Is it environment state-space or agent state space?
Lastly, what if $f(S^a_t, H_t)=O_t$? That is, the agent's internal state is simply the last observation. Considering that environment states are always Markovian (again, don't know why we can claim this), but agent states are not, this is the case of POMDP. Even here I don't know what $\mathcal{S}$ stands for in specification of POMDP. Is it environment state-space or action state space?