I have to translate the following English sentences into First-Order Logic without using quantifiers:
- Everyone on flight 815 has a story.
- No one knows what is inside the hatch.
- Someone on the island isn't on the flight manifest.
I have tried it, but can't translate without using ∀ and ∃:
- $\forall x, \; \text{flight815}(x) \rightarrow \text{story}(x)$
- $\forall x \neg(\text{knows}(x) \rightarrow \text{inside hatch}(x))$ // not sure about this OR $\neg \exists x, \; \text{knows}(x, \text{inside hatch})$
- $\exists x, \; \text{island}(x) \land \neg(\text{flight manifest}(x))$
Is it possible to do it? If not, why?
Refer to chapter 8 of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd edition). Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall (2010)
1. ∀x, onFlight815(x) -> hasStory(x) 2. ~(∃x,y knows(x,y) ^ insideHatch(y))
What about this? $\endgroup$