I have a problem with continuous time, observation and action space. I am discretizing the time to be able to apply the usual Reinforcement Learning algorithms (I chose PPO). The problem consists of a simulated car that has to drive through a series of goals without collisions.
I read chapter 7 of the Reinforcement Learning Book by Sutton and Barto: http://incompleteideas.net/book/the-book-2nd.html
In chapter 7 they describe n-step bootstrapping which uses the rewards of the next n-steps and a value estimate of the nth step to update the value of the current step t. This describes extensions to reinforcement learning algorithms, I would like to use an approach inspired by the n-step bootstrapping.
I would like to use a related approach to smooth my reward function. Unfortunately I am not sure how that approach is called and if it has already been talked about in research.
I am searching a name or some research regarding the following reward function:
Reward(st, at) is simply the reward encountered at timestep t. I would then hand the SmoothedReward to the RL algorithm (PPO).
Can you please direct me to research about something like my smoothed reward function?