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How does the implementation of the VAE's objective function equate to ELBO?

For a lot of VAE implementations I've seen in code, it's not really obvious to me how it equates to ELBO. $$L(X)=H(Q)-H(Q:P(X,Z))=\sum_ZQ(Z)logP(Z,X)-\sum_ZQ(Z)log(Q(Z))$$ The above is the definition ...
user8714896's user avatar
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Why are there two versions of softmax cross entropy? Which one to use in what situation?

I have seen 2 forms of softmax cross-entropy loss and are confused by the two. Which one is the right one? For example in this Quora answer, there are 2 answers: $L(\mathbf{w})=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^...
Herbert's user avatar
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How should I penalize the model proportionally to the error?

I am making an MNIST classifier. I am using categorical cross-entropy as my loss function. I want to make it so that if the correct label is 3, then it will penalize the model less heavily if it ...
Josh Goldman's user avatar