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What is the best measure for detecting overfitting?

I wanted to ask about the methodology of testing the ML models against overfitting. Please note that I don't mean any overfitting reducing methods like regularisation, just a measure to judge whether ...
GKozinski's user avatar
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What are "development test sets" used for?

This is a theoretical question. I am a newbie to artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the more I read the more I like this. So far, I have been reading about the evaluation of language ...
little_mice's user avatar
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How should I interpret this validation plot?

Bellow I have a validation plot How should I interpret this validation plot? Is my data underfitting? What else can be seen from this? Which one is the best? What does it mean that the right line is ...
jennifer ruurs's user avatar
0 votes
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How to interpret this learning curve plot

Bellow I have a Learning Curve plot How should I interpret this plot for my random forrest algorithm (the second one the most complex one)? Which one is the best?
jennifer ruurs's user avatar