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Crossover and Mutation function for value encoding [closed]

I have been trying to attempt writing a Genetic Algorithm using value encoding (fixed-length vectors of real numbers) instead of binary encoding. So far the code I have written works, but needs quite ...
No_Name's user avatar
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What type of neural network has an unorganized structure?

I am looking for a network that has an unorganized structure like this, is feed-forward, does not have back-propagation functionality, and is trained with a genetic algorithm. What would I be looking ...
coder's user avatar
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Genetic Algorithm Python Snake not improving

So, i have created Snake game using Pygame and Python. Then i wanted to create an AI with Genetic algorithm and a simple NN to play it. Seems pretty fun, but things aren't working out. This is my ...
Fanto's user avatar
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How to perform classification with NEAT-Python?

I am trying to do classification using NEAT-python for the first time, and I am having difficulty getting the accuracy rate. I tried the same problem with an ANN and was able to get a good accuracy ...
Linkuz's user avatar
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Exploding population size in neat-python

I am trying to make my AI win the board game "Catan" against my friends. Therefore i am using the python implementation of NEAT. As I changed the values of ...
wuerfelfreak's user avatar
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What qualifies as 'fitness' for a genetic algorithm that minimizes an error function?

Suppose I have a set of data that I want to apply a segmented regression to, fitting linearly across the breakpoint. I aim to find the offsets and slopes of either line and the position of the ...
sangstar's user avatar
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How to implement a neural network for Flappy Bird in Python? [closed]

I am new in the field of AI. I am working to create the flappy bird using Genetic Algorithm. After reading and seeing some examples, I saw that most implementations use a Neural Network + Genetic ...
souleatzz's user avatar
2 votes
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Can genetic algorithms be used to learn to play multiple games of the same type?

Is it possible for a genetic algorithm + Neural Network that is used to learn to play one game such as a platform game able to be applied to another different game of the same genre. So for example, ...
Ryan's user avatar
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