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Which paper describes the effect of learning_starts in Reinforcement Learning?

I have seen many popular RL libraries have a learning_start parameter. This allows the agent to collect enough experiences before training on the replay_buffer. However, I am unable to find the paper ...
desert_ranger's user avatar
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How should I choose the target's update frequency in DQN?

I have been dealing with a problem that I'm trying to solve with DQN. A general question that I have is regarding the target's update frequency. How should it change? Depending on what factor do we ...
Hossein Ostovar's user avatar
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Why is the $\epsilon$ hyper-parameter (in the $\epsilon$-greedy policy) annealed smoothly?

As far as I understand, RL is a process that can be divided into 2 stages: Exploring a wide range of paths (acting randomly) Refining the current optimal paths (revolving around actions with a so-...
Kari's user avatar
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