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0 votes
0 answers

Why can't I replicate the validation loss from a Keras tuner (LSTM)

I feel like I'm doing a pretty straightforward sequence of tasks and must be making a simple mistake - I simply build a sequential model, tune it, build a clone of the optimal model by extracting the ...
69 votes
4 answers

How to select number of hidden layers and number of memory cells in an LSTM?

I am trying to find some existing research on how to select the number of hidden layers and the size of these of an LSTM-based RNN. Is there an article where this problem is being investigated, i.e., ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to shorten the development time of a neural network?

I am developing an LSTM for sequence tagging. During the development, I do various changes in the system, for example, add new features, change the number of nodes in the hidden layers, etc. After ...
1 vote
0 answers

When stacking LSTM's, should the hidden units increase?

I'm using Weights and Biases to do some hyperparameter sweeping for a supervised sequence-to-sequence problem I'm working on. One thing I noticed is that the sweeps with a gradually increasing number ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I do hyperparameter optimization for a CNN-LSTM neural network?

I have built a CNN-LSTM neural network with 2 inputs and 2 outputs in Keras. I trained the network with model.fit_generator() (and not ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why doesnt my lstm model for time series prediction improve after certain level of performance?

I created an lstm model which predicts multioutput sequeances. It takes variable length sequences as input. These sequences are padded with zero to obtain equal length. Note that the time series are ...