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Questions tagged [mini-batch-gradient-descent]

For questions about mini-batch (or batch) gradient descent, which is gradient descent with typically more than one sample of input-label pairs.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why would one prefer the gradient of the sum rather than the sum of the gradients?

When gradients are aggregated over mini batches, I sometimes see formulations like this, e.g., in the "Deep Learning" book by Goodfellow et al. $$\mathbf{g} = \frac{1}{m} \nabla_{\mathbf{w}} ...
Eddie C's user avatar
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Not Averaging Gamma and Beta Gradients in BatchNormalization leads me to higher accuracy

I'm implementing batchnorm from scratch in pure NumPy. I noticed something interesting. While I'm calculating the gradients of gamma (dg) and beta (db), ignoring the summation / averaging of the ...
vxnuaj's user avatar
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In mini-batch gradient descent, are the weights updated after each batch or after all the batches have gone through an epoch?

Say I have a mini-batch of size 32, and I have 10 such batches. Assuming I only run it for one epoch (just for the sake of understanding it), Will the weights be updated using the gradients of one ...
Kaustubh Sharma's user avatar