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Does feature scaling have any benefits if all features are on the same scale?

By scaling features, we can prevent one feature from dominating the decisions of a model. For example, say heights (cm), and age (years) are two features in my data. Since range of heights is larger ...
SpiderRico's user avatar
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How to predict the best from a set of messages - best practice

Suppose I have a set of messages A,B,C,D and I want to produce the best message for a website user at a given time. For training I plan to show random users a random single message [A/B/C/D] and fill ...
Nir's user avatar
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What is "conditioning" on a feature?

On page 98 of Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider: A Review of Recent Advances in Theory and Machine Learning the author writes; Redacted phase space: Studying the distribution of inputs ...
Clumsy cat's user avatar