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Is there any advantage to providing multi-dimensional input to torch modules?

Most layer types in torch.nn such as torch.nn.Linear accept input with more than one dimension. Is there any advantage in doing so if you can shape your data to represent a certain arrangement in ...
kot's user avatar
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Transfer Learning for Solar Energy Production Forecasting with LSTM: Generalized vs. Specialized Models

I am working on a solar energy production forecasting problem using LSTM multi-step models to predict 1/4/8h ahead of solar energy production for different solar installations. Our goal is to help ...
Guilherme Vieira's user avatar
4 votes
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When working with time-series data, is it wrong to use different time-steps for the features and target?

When working with time-series data, is it wrong to use daily prices as features and the price after 3 days as the target? Or should I use the next-day price as a target, and, after training, predict 3 ...
George's user avatar
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