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Why is there a 1 in complexity formula of uniform-cost search?

I am reading the book titled Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 4th ed by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. According to the book, the complexity of uniform-cost search is as $$ O(b^{1+\lfloor{...
user153245's user avatar
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Understanding the pseudocode of uniform-cost search from the book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach"

On page 84 of Russell & Norvig's book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Book" (3rd edition), the pseudocode for uniform cost search is given. I provided a screenshot of it here for your ...
anonuser01's user avatar
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A* and uniform-cost search are apparently incomplete

Consider the following diagram of a graph representing a search space. If we start at $B$ and try to reach goal state $E$, the lowest-cost first search (LCFS) (aka uniform-cost search) algorithm ...
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