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Which main steps should I consider in order to successfully use a VAE for Anomaly Detection?

I am thinking about using the variational autoencoder model for anomaly detection . I have an Android Logs dataset. As the logs generated are a representative of time series type of data I thought ...
MLenthusiast's user avatar
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How can I combine unsupervised learning with supervised learning?

I am currently using an isolation forest (from sklearn library) to detect anomalies in a data frame (basically it's a dynamic data frame more of a kind of time series I am. But I have certain criteria ...
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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Surveys, Papers, Hand on Tutorials about training data generation for anomaly detection

I am searching for anything related to supervised, semi supervised or unsupervised anomaly detection w.r.t training data generation. I am looking toward reading any work that tackles the issue how to ...
Skobo Do's user avatar
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What is the best clustering method to detect anomalies for data with mostly categorical data?

I have a dataset with about 85 columns. Out of the 85 columns, 70+ are categorical. My goal is to identify the outliers in this dataset through clustering methods as I do not have a target column. ...
user13074756's user avatar
3 votes
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How can auto-encoders compute the reconstruction error for the new data?

Autoencoders are used for unsupervised anomaly detection by first learning the features of the data set with mainly "normal" data points. Then new data can be considered anomalous if the new ...
Brian's user avatar
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4 votes
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Which unsupervised learning algorithm can be used for peaks detection?

So, I have a dataset that has around 1388 unique products and I have to do unsupervised learning on them in order to find anomalies (high/low peaks). The data below just represents one product. The <...
some_programmer's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Which unsupervised learning technique can be used for anomaly detection in a time series?

I've started working on anomaly detection in Python. My dataset is a time series one. The data is being collected by some sensors which record and collect data on semiconductor-making machines. My ...
some_programmer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are there any advantages of using rules-based approaches versus models for detecting spam?

Suppose that we have unlabeled data. That is, all we have are a collection of emails and want to determine whether any of them is spam or not. Let's say we have $1,000$ rules to determine whether a ...
rulesguy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Which unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms are there?

I need to create model which will find suspicious entries or anomalies in a network, whose characteristics or features are the asset_id, ...
Abishek's user avatar
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