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Why use z_mean to plot the latent space learned by a Variational Autoencoder?

In the Keras website, there is an example code of a Variational Autoencoder. At the end of such a page, there is an example code that plots the latent space learned from MNIST. The code is as follows: ...
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How to construct input dependent convolutional filter?

I am constructing a convolutional variational autoencoder for images, starting out with mnist digits. Typically I would specify convolutional layers in the following way: ...
Jane Sully's user avatar
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Why does the latent space in Stable Diffusion have a shape of 64x64x3?

Since the encoding is performed by a Variational Autoencoder, the VAE encoder must output some mean and log variance that we can ...
Renat Abdrakhmanov's user avatar
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What best practices for VAE do you know?

The data is binary voxel data of shape (60, 36, 60). I want to compress such data into ...
Renat Abdrakhmanov's user avatar
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VAE ( variational autoencoder) for timeseries anomaly detection ,

I am implementing VAE based anomaly detection for multivariate timeseries using keras, I have ELBO (Evidence lower bound) which is combination of $$-\ D_{KL}\left({\ q}_\varphi\left(z\middle| x^i\...
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