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4 votes

What is the role of the hidden vectors in restricted Boltzmann machines?

Generative models The hidden units are just structural support and we don't care about what those hidden vectors really are. Generative modeling is concerned about $P(X)$, to be able to compute it,...
Fadi Bakoura's user avatar
2 votes

What is the difference between Restricted Boltzmann Machine and Artificial Neural Network?

A Boltzmann Machine is a probabilistic graphical model which follows Boltzmann distribution: $$p(v,h) = \frac{e^{-E(v,h)}}{\sum_{v,h} e^{-E(v,h)}}$$ where $E(v,h)$ is known as the energy function. An ...
babkr's user avatar
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What is the difference between Restricted Boltzmann Machine and Artificial Neural Network?

You can find in this paper that RBM is a specific type of artificial neural networks. Hence, the term Artificial Neural Network is more general than RBF. It is an important property that single as ...
OmG's user avatar
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Does the encoding of a restricted Boltzmann machine improve with more layers?

First of all, when you add hidden layers, or stack RBMs, you get a Deep Belief Network (DBN). Your question then deals with the comparison of DBNs and RBMs. There are some elements to answer this ...
TheCG's user avatar
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What is the difference between a stacked restricted Boltzmann machine and deep belief network?

For what it's worth, Wikipedia says that deep belief networks can be formed by "stacking" RBMs. Hinton writes in Scholarpedia: A deep belief net can be viewed as a composition of simple ...
BlindKungFuMaster's user avatar

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