I am trying to test DQN on FrozenWorld environment in gym using TensorFlow 2.x. The update rule is (off policy) $$Q(s,a) \leftarrow Q(s,a)+\alpha (r+\gamma~ max_{a'}Q(s',a')-Q(s,a))$$
I am using an epsilon greedy policy. In this environment, we get a reward only if we succeed. So I explored with 100% until I have 50 successes. Then I saved the data of failures and success in different bins. Then I sampled (with replacement) from these bins and used them to train the Q network. However, no matter how long I train the agent doesn't seem to learn.
The code is available in Colab. I am doing this for a couple of days.
PS: I modified the code for SARSA and Expected SARSA; nothing works.
is the real culprit. Currently it's just $Q^{new}$, it should be $(1-\alpha)Q^{old}+\alpha Q^{new}$. Also, frozen lake is a very simple problem (compared to Starcraft or Go), you won't need 2 hidden layers. $\endgroup$