
I'm trying to build a DQN to replicate the DeepMind results. I'm doing with a simple DQN for the moment, but it isn't learning properly: after +5000 episodes, it couldn't get more than 9-10 points. Each episode has a limit of 5000 steps but it couldn't reach more than 500-700. I think the problem is in the replay function, which is:

def replay(self, replay_batch_size, replay_batcher):
    j = 0
    k = 0
    replay_action = []
    replay_state = []
    replay_next_state = []
    replay_reward= []
    replay_superbatch = []

    if len(memory) < replay_batch_size:
        replay_batch = random.sample(memory, len(memory))
        replay_batch = np.asarray(replay_batch)
        replay_state_batch, replay_next_state_batch, reward_batch, replay_action_batch = replay_batcher(replay_batch)
        replay_batch = random.sample(memory, replay_batch_size)
        replay_batch = np.asarray(replay_batch)
        replay_state_batch, replay_next_state_batch, reward_batch, replay_action_batch = replay_batcher(replay_batch)
    for j in range ((len(replay_batch)-len(replay_batch)%4)):
        if k <= 4:
            k = k + 1              
        if k >=4:                
            k = 0
            replay_state = np.asarray(replay_state)
            replay_state.shape = shape
            replay_next_state = np.asarray(replay_next_state)
            replay_next_state.shape = shape
            replay_superbatch.append((replay_state, replay_next_state,replay_reward,replay_action))

            replay_state = []
            replay_next_state = []
            replay_reward = []
            replay_action = []
    states, target_future, targets_future, fit_batch = [], [], [], []
    for state_replay, next_state_replay, reward_replay, action_replay in replay_superbatch:

        target = reward_replay
        if not done:
            target = (reward_replay + self.gamma * np.amax(self.model.predict(next_state_replay)[0]))

        target_future = self.model.predict(state_replay)

        target_future[0][action_replay] = target
        fit_batch.append((states, targets_future))

    history = self.model.fit(np.asarray(states), np.array(targets_future), epochs=1, verbose=0)

    loss = history.history['loss'][0]

    if self.exploration_rate > self.exploration_rate_min:

        self.exploration_rate -= (self.exploration_rate_decay/1000000)
    return loss

What I'm doing is to get 4 experiences (states), concatenate and introduce them in the CNN in shape (1, 210, 160, 4). Am I doing something wrong? If I implement the DDQN (Double Deep Q Net), should I obtain similar results as in the DeepMind Breakout video? Also, I'm using the Breakout-v0 enviroment from OpenAI gym.


Am I doing this properly? I implemented an identical CNN; then I update the target each 100 steps and copy the weights from model CNN to target_model CNN. Should it improve the learning? Anyway I'm getting low loss.

for state_replay, next_state_replay, reward_replay, action_replay in replay_superbatch:

            target = reward_replay
            if not done:

                target = (reward_replay + self.gamma * np.amax(self.model.predict(next_state_replay)[0]))
            if steps % 100 == 0:

                target_future = self.target_model.predict(state_replay)

                target_future[0][action_replay] = target
                fit_batch.append((states, targets_future))

        history = self.model.fit(np.asarray(states), np.array(targets_future), epochs=1, verbose=0)

        loss = history.history['loss'][0]

Edit 2

So as far I understand, this code should work am I right?

if not done:

            target = (reward_replay + self.gamma * np.amax(self.target_model.predict(next_state_replay)[0]))
            target.shape = (1,4)
            target[0][action_replay] = target
            target_future = target
            fit_batch.append((states, targets_future))

        if step_counter % 1000 == 0:

            target_future = self.target_model.predict(state_replay)

            target_future[0][action_replay] = target
            fit_batch.append((states, targets_future))

    history = self.model.fit(np.asarray(states), np.array(targets_future), epochs=1, verbose=0)
  • $\begingroup$ DQN needs a lot of episodes. Additionally, the training is super unstable. Meaning out of 100 training runs it could happen that 95 are completely unusable and 5 are fine. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 26, 2018 at 6:46
  • $\begingroup$ So, how can I improve the training stability? Double DQN should improve it? $\endgroup$
    – JCP
    Commented Nov 27, 2018 at 4:32

1 Answer 1


It looks like on each step, you're calling both self.model.predict and self.model.fit. If you do this, you're going to run into stability problems, since your learning target is moving as you train.

The way the DQN paper gets around this problem is by using 2 Q-networks, $Q$ and $\hat{Q}$, where $\hat{Q}$ is called the target network. The target network's parameters are frozen, and its outputs are used to compute the learning targets for $Q$ (targets_future in your code). Every $C$ training steps (where $C$ is a hyperparameter), the target network $\hat{Q}$ is updated with the weights of $Q$. See Algorithm 1 on Page 7 of the DQN paper for the details of this swap.

  • $\begingroup$ Could you check the edit I did in the original post? I'll appreciate it so much! $\endgroup$
    – JCP
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 21:04
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ When you're doing the Bellman update, you want to use self.target_model.predict rather than self.model.predict. Also, 100 steps seems low. You'll want to play around with that parameter but something >1000 is probably better. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 21:29
  • $\begingroup$ So basically I only use the model CNN for the action update and the loss update am I right? $\endgroup$
    – JCP
    Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 21:32
  • $\begingroup$ That's right. self.model is the model that you call .fit on, and it's also the model you use to select your actions. There's a more detailed explanation of the difference between the two models on this question: ai.stackexchange.com/questions/6982/… $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 30, 2018 at 21:58
  • $\begingroup$ I still having a doubt. Should I update only the target_model weights every C training steps, or am I doing it right in the last edit I did? Thanks. $\endgroup$
    – JCP
    Commented Dec 1, 2018 at 2:36

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