I'm trying to build a DQN to replicate the DeepMind results. I'm doing with a simple DQN for the moment, but it isn't learning properly: after +5000 episodes, it couldn't get more than 9-10 points. Each episode has a limit of 5000 steps but it couldn't reach more than 500-700. I think the problem is in the replay function, which is:
def replay(self, replay_batch_size, replay_batcher):
j = 0
k = 0
replay_action = []
replay_state = []
replay_next_state = []
replay_reward= []
replay_superbatch = []
if len(memory) < replay_batch_size:
replay_batch = random.sample(memory, len(memory))
replay_batch = np.asarray(replay_batch)
replay_state_batch, replay_next_state_batch, reward_batch, replay_action_batch = replay_batcher(replay_batch)
replay_batch = random.sample(memory, replay_batch_size)
replay_batch = np.asarray(replay_batch)
replay_state_batch, replay_next_state_batch, reward_batch, replay_action_batch = replay_batcher(replay_batch)
for j in range ((len(replay_batch)-len(replay_batch)%4)):
if k <= 4:
k = k + 1
if k >=4:
k = 0
replay_state = np.asarray(replay_state)
replay_state.shape = shape
replay_next_state = np.asarray(replay_next_state)
replay_next_state.shape = shape
replay_superbatch.append((replay_state, replay_next_state,replay_reward,replay_action))
replay_state = []
replay_next_state = []
replay_reward = []
replay_action = []
states, target_future, targets_future, fit_batch = [], [], [], []
for state_replay, next_state_replay, reward_replay, action_replay in replay_superbatch:
target = reward_replay
if not done:
target = (reward_replay + self.gamma * np.amax(self.model.predict(next_state_replay)[0]))
target_future = self.model.predict(state_replay)
target_future[0][action_replay] = target
fit_batch.append((states, targets_future))
history = self.model.fit(np.asarray(states), np.array(targets_future), epochs=1, verbose=0)
loss = history.history['loss'][0]
if self.exploration_rate > self.exploration_rate_min:
self.exploration_rate -= (self.exploration_rate_decay/1000000)
return loss
What I'm doing is to get 4 experiences (states), concatenate and introduce them in the CNN in shape (1, 210, 160, 4). Am I doing something wrong? If I implement the DDQN (Double Deep Q Net), should I obtain similar results as in the DeepMind Breakout video? Also, I'm using the Breakout-v0 enviroment from OpenAI gym.
Am I doing this properly? I implemented an identical CNN; then I update the target each 100 steps and copy the weights from model
CNN to target_model
CNN. Should it improve the learning? Anyway I'm getting low loss.
for state_replay, next_state_replay, reward_replay, action_replay in replay_superbatch:
target = reward_replay
if not done:
target = (reward_replay + self.gamma * np.amax(self.model.predict(next_state_replay)[0]))
if steps % 100 == 0:
target_future = self.target_model.predict(state_replay)
target_future[0][action_replay] = target
fit_batch.append((states, targets_future))
history = self.model.fit(np.asarray(states), np.array(targets_future), epochs=1, verbose=0)
loss = history.history['loss'][0]
Edit 2
So as far I understand, this code should work am I right?
if not done:
target = (reward_replay + self.gamma * np.amax(self.target_model.predict(next_state_replay)[0]))
target.shape = (1,4)
target[0][action_replay] = target
target_future = target
fit_batch.append((states, targets_future))
if step_counter % 1000 == 0:
target_future = self.target_model.predict(state_replay)
target_future[0][action_replay] = target
fit_batch.append((states, targets_future))
history = self.model.fit(np.asarray(states), np.array(targets_future), epochs=1, verbose=0)