I'm following Stanford reinforcement learning videos on youtube. One of the assignments asks to write code for policy evaluation for Gym's FrozenLake-v0 environment.
In the course (and books I have seen), they define policy evaluation as
My confusion is that in the frozen lake example, the reward is tied to the result of the action. So, for each pair state-action, I have a list that contains a possible next-state, the probability to get to that next-state and the reward. For example, being in the target state and performing any action brings a reward of $0$, but being in any state that brings me to the target state gives me a reward of $1$.
Does this mean that, for this example, I need to rewrite $V^\pi_k(s)$ as something like this:
$$V^\pi_k(s)= \sum_{s'} p(s'|s,\pi(s)) [r(s,\pi(s), s')+ \gamma V^\pi_{k-1}(s')]$$