TLDR: We're doing a maximum likelihood fit of our model. The VAE sets this up in a way that doesn't require evaluating the model likelihood, but instead expresses a lower bound in terms of reconstruction error.
Here's an explanation in two parts.
1. Variational inference in general
We have a generative model $z \rightarrow x$ with latent variable $z \sim p(z)$, and observations, $x$, generated by $p(x|z)$. We want to get the posterior $p(z|x)$, but this inference may be computationally infeasible even if $p(z)$ and $p(x|z)$ are known because $p(x)$ is hard to evaluate. So, we instead approximate $p(z|x)$ by $q(z)$.
Denoting the ELBO by $\mathcal{L}(x)$, we have (by expanding $D_{KL}$):
$$ \log p(x) = D_{KL}\big(q(z) \big|\big| p(z|x) \big) + \mathcal{L}(x). $$
Note that $p(x)$ is part of the generative model so, given data $x$, $p(x)$ is constant regardless of the approximation $q(z)$. This means that increasing $\mathcal{L}(x)$ by changing $q(z)$ is equivalent to decreasing $D_{KL}\big(q(z) \big|\big| p(z|x) \big)$ and vice versa.
Thus, the max ELBO approximation is the best in the sense that $q(z)$ is closest to $p(z|x)$ in KL terms. This is the classic reasoning for maximizing the ELBO.
2. Variational autoencoder
For the variational autoencoder model, we
- choose $p(z)$ for the latent space (eg. gaussian)
- parameterize $p(x | z)$ by the decoder network
- parameterize $q(z)$ by the encoder network (eg. $z \sim \mathcal{N}( \mu(x), \sigma(x))$)
Now $p(x|z)$ is not fixed, but rather fit. So, as we train, we want to improve both the approximate inference model (encoder) and the generative model (decoder). This means that $p(x)$ is not fixed either as we train, so by increasing $L(x)$, we can either increase $\log p(x)$ or decrease $D_{KL}\big(q(z) \big|\big| p(z|x) \big)$ or both.
Why is increasing $\log p(x)$ a good thing? $\log p(x)$ tells us how likely that data we observe are under our model, this is a max likelihood fit of our (decoder parameterized) model. However, like the true posterior, $p(x)$ is difficult to calculate closed form, hence the ELBO.
That's the key idea of the VAE: it expresses the model max likelihood objective (which is hard to compute) in terms of reconstruction loss (which is easy to compute), giving us a generative model and approximate posterior along the way.