Unlike algorithms presented in other chapters of Sutton and Barto, Dyna is a planning algorithm. That means that it makes decisions online, in a real environment, that attempt to be as optimal as possible given some constraints such as current knowledge and time available to compute between time steps. This differs from learning-only online algorithms which typically take a small step towards optimality on each piece of new experience as it happens.
A planning algorithm can only do its job well if it is allowed to "look ahead" at the consequences of its behaviour whilst learning online. In fact, this is the definition of planning - to choose an action based on reasoning about consequences of that action.
For an algorithm to look ahead before taking an action, it needs a model of how the environment will respond to that action. That model does not need to be coded up directly - e.g. you don't necessarily need to write a physics engine to predict the real world (although a basic one might be a good prior or pre-training step). Instead it can be a learned model, and typically in e.g. Dyna-Q, that is what you use.
There is a strong relation between Dyna-Q, and regular Q-learning with experience replay. In the most basic forms, they are essentially the same algorithm with a different framing. However, you can take the planning ideas further e.g. focus improvements around the currently experienced state and paths to a goal state in Dyna-Q, perhaps making it closer to MCTS conceptually.
Wouldn't it be more helpful to use real env instead of fake one?
Most real environments do not let you take actions, see the consequences and then rewind in order to re-try. Essentially that is what planning algorithms are making up for - they try to predict consequences. This is important when mistakes made during training have real consequences, for example for a physical robot navigating an environment where there might be a possibility of a fall or collision that damaged something. Whilst online learning algorithms such as SARSA will also help with this in different ways (in SARSA by changing policy to allow for exploratory moves), typically Q-learning will be weaker than Dyna-Q when it comes to learning quickly from mistakes. With the usual caveat: Much still depends on the specific problem and choices of hyperparameters.