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Best calculus books for Deep Learning

Recommend some calculus books for Deep Learning and neural networks. I know what is integration, differentiation, derivates, limits on a based level. I would like to understand on deep level the ...
Dan Il's user avatar
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Is my calculation of the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to a single weight in the first layer correct?

I'm trying to understand the chain rule of backpropagation. This is what I understood. Is it correct? $$ \frac{\partial E }{ \partial w} = \sum_{i} \frac{\partial E }{ \partial a_i^{(l)} } (\sum_{j} \...
Mylisteofanime nexv's user avatar
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Is there any wrong in my focal loss derivation?

Assume $\mathbf{X} \in R^{N, C}$ is the input of the softmax $\mathbf{P} \in R^{N, C}$, where $N$ is number of examples and $C$ is number of classes: $$\mathbf{p}_i = \left[ \frac{e^{x_{ik}}}{\sum_{j=...
Giang Tran's user avatar
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What is a bad local minimum in machine learning?

What is "bad local minima"? The following papers all mention this expression. Eliminating all bad Local Minima from Loss Landscapes without even adding an Extra Unit limination of All Bad Local ...
Umang Gupta's user avatar
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Why is the change in cost wrt bias in neural network equal to error in the neuron?

While reading the book on neural networks by Michael Nielson, I had a problem understanding equation (BP3), which is $$ \frac{\partial C}{\partial b_{j}^{l}}=\delta_{j}^{l} \tag{BP3}\label{BP3}, $$ ...
Madhusoodan P's user avatar