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Why does one-step TD strengthen only the last action of the sequence of actions that led to the high reward, while n-step TD the last n actions?

In the caption of figure 7.4 (p. 147) of Sutton & Barto's book (2nd edition), it's written The one-step method strengthens only the last action of the sequence of actions that led to the high ...
user529295's user avatar
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Is there any difference between conditional batch normalization and batch normalization except the usage of MLPs for predicting $\beta$ and $\gamma$?

Batch normalization in neural networks uses $\beta$ and $\gamma$ for scaling. The analytical formula is given by $$\dfrac{x - \mathbb{E}[x]}{\sqrt{Var(X)}}* \gamma + \beta$$ Conditional batch ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Does average loss function in GAN training is just an approximation of value function and does not ensure convergence of generator and discriminator?

The value function on which convergence has been proved by the original paper of GAN is $$\min_G \max_DV(D, G) = \mathbb{E}_{x ∼ P_{data}}[\log D(x)] + \mathbb{E}_{z ∼ p_z}[log (1 - D(G(z)))]$$ and ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the difference between the "equal error rate" and "detection cost function" metrics?

I was designing a multi-speaker identification model, so I searched for some metrics that one may use. I found two metrics: EER (equal error rate) DCF (detection cost function) What is the ...
Kais Hasan's user avatar
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Comparing heuristics in A* search and rescue operation

I was reading a research paper titled A Comparative Study of A-star Algorithms for Search and rescue in Perfect Maze (2011). I have some doubts regarding it: 1. The Evaluation Function of $\mathrm{A}^...
user46328's user avatar
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What is the difference between the state transition of an MDP and an action-value?

Let's say we have MDP where we have a state transition matrix. How is this state transition different from action value in reinforcement learning? Is the state transition in MDP stochastic ...
gfdsal's user avatar
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What is the borderline between unsupervised learning and regular algorithms?

Unsupervised learning using neural networks is clearly machine learning since it is utilising neural nets. However, some algorithms, k-means clustering, for example, are considered unsupervised ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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Is my understanding correct regarding the difference between policy and plan?

I am confused regarding the difference between policy and plan in reinforcement learning. According to my understanding, when we calculate the value of state using Bellman equation in deterministic ...
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