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Questions tagged [echo-state-network]

For questions related to the echo state network (ESN), which is a recurrent neural network with a sparsely connected hidden layer.

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What is the significance of this Stanford University "Financial Market Time Series Prediction with RNN's" paper?

Researchers at Stanford University released, in 2012, the paper Financial Market Time Series Prediction with Recurrent Neural Networks. It goes on to discuss how they used echo state networks to ...
BleedObsidian's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do training and fixing a reservoir yield very similar results (in an echo state network)?

Disclaimer: I asked this question 2 days ago in Cross Validated, but it has been left unanswered. I am trying to better understand how echo state networks work. To see, how fixing the weights of the ...
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What do echo state networks give us over a generic RNN resevoir?

Slightly generalizing the definition in Jaeger 2001, let's define a reservoir system to be any system of the form $$h_{t}=f(h_{t-1}, x_t)$$ $$y_t=g(Wh_t)$$ where $f$ and $g$ are fixed and $W$ is a ...
Jack M's user avatar
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Why do we use a delay when feeding our input data to the echo state network?

I'm new to working with neural networks and have recently began implementing neural networks for time series forecasting in some of my work. I've been particularly using Echo State Networks and have ...
NNuser's user avatar
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What inputs to give to a trained neural network?

Real beginner on neural networks here, so my apologies if the answer is obvious! I'm learning Echo State Neural networks for non-linear function modelling and I'm struggling to understand why ...
GKiu's user avatar
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How does information traverse through a neural network such as LSTMs or ESNs?

In "The “echo state” approach to analysing and training recurrent neural networks-with an erratum note" (2001), H. Jaeger defines the "Echo State Network" (ESN). I have read that ...
Hugo's user avatar
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