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Questions tagged [wasserstein-metric]

For questions about the Wasserstein metric/distance (or Kantorovich–Rubinstein metric), which is a metric (distance function) defined between probability distributions.

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How exactly do you backpropagate the gradient penalty in WGAN-GP?

I am trying to implement WGANs from scratch. The loss function for the critic is given by : which i implement in my code as L = average(real output) - average(fake output) + lambda*GP. For ...
hidden_machine's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do we use a linear interpolation of fake and real data to penalize the gradient of discriminator in WGAN-GP

I'm trying to better frame/summarize the formulations and motivations behind Wasserstein GAN with gradient penalty, based on my understanding. For the basic GAN we are trying to optimize the following ...
James Arten's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Why is KL divergence used so often in Machine Learning?

The KL Divergence is quite easy to compute in closed form for simple distributions -such as Gaussians- but has some not-very-nice properties. For example, it is not symmetrical (thus it is not a ...
Federico Taschin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are there some notions of distance between two policies?

I want to determine some distance between two policies $\pi_1 (a \mid s)$ and $\pi_2 (a \mid s)$, i.e. something like $\vert \vert \pi_1 (a \mid s) - \pi_2(a \mid s) \vert \vert$, where $\pi_i (a\mid ...
Felix P.'s user avatar
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WGAN-GP Loss formalization

I have to write the formalization of the loss function of my network, built following the WGAN-GP model. The discriminator takes 3 consecutive images as input (such as 3 consecutive frames of a video) ...
Gibser's user avatar
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What is the reason for mode collapse in GAN as opposed to WGAN?

In this article I am reading: $D_{KL}$ gives us inifity when two distributions are disjoint. The value of $D_{JS}$ has sudden jump, not differentiable at $\theta=0$. Only Wasserstein metric provides ...
craft's user avatar
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Under what conditions can one find the optimal critic in WGAN?

The Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality for the optimal transport problem implies that the Wasserstein distance between two distributions $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$ can be computed as (equation 2 in section 3 in ...
Subho's user avatar
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