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Questions tagged [loss]

For questions related to the concept of loss (or cost) in machine learning or other AI sub-fields.

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How does DistilBERT's training ensure that the [CLS] token's hidden state from DistilBERT aligns with that from BERT?

BERT's pre-training involves next sentence prediction (NSP) based on a classifier on top of the [CLS] token's last hidden state. This is primarily what gives the [CLS] token's hidden state the special ...
Fijoy Vadakkumpadan's user avatar
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Are these objective and loss functions from Actor-Critic Methods correct?

I'm doing a research about actor-critic methods and I want to make sure that I understand these methods right. First of all, I understand that as it's a combination of value-based and policy-based ...
marc_spector's user avatar
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How is $(p,v)$ used to calculate loss in the AlphaZero algorithm?

I'm trying to implement the AlphaZero algorithm. AlphaZero uses a neural network $f_{\theta}$ with parameters $\theta$ for board state $s$. It returns $(p,v)$, where $p$ is a vector of move ...
Void Break's user avatar
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global minimum loss always best metric?

Suppose the hardware constraint is not a problem anymore, so that the quantum computer is everywhere. If we define a neural network model that has many params, traditionally (using gradient descent) ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Do we plug in the old values or the new values during the gradient descent update?

I have a scenario when I am trying to optimize a vector of D dimensions. Every component of the vector is dependent on other components according to a function such as: summation over (i,j): (1-e(x_i)(...
Darkmoon Chief's user avatar
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Early divergence of YOLOv7-tiny train and val obj_loss plots

I am training a YOLOv7-tiny model and have the following observations from the training session: the train and val objectness loss plots diverged pretty early on in the training process the class and ...
fuse use's user avatar
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Low validation loss from the first epoch?

The initial validation loss is low from the first epoch and then decreases slightly. What does this actually mean? Does it indicate that the model can effectively and quickly identify patterns for ...
RT.'s user avatar
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How is this z-loss implementation in t5x related to this paper's loss X?

I was looking into the loss function in t5x here and see there is a z-loss added to the typical log loss definition. The only paper I could surface on this was, but I ...
Jacob B's user avatar
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why YOLO models multiple the loss by batch size in detection head?

here return loss.sum() * batch_size, loss.detach() # loss(box, cls, dfl) This line is from yolov8, but I saw similar thing in v5 too. So far I only see this kind ...
Wang's user avatar
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No matter how I change a loss function I get it equal to infinity

I am a bioinformatician, and at the moment I am working with a dataset containing ~12.3 million mutations for ~5500 individuals. The goal is to perform binary classification. I use this framework to ...
YKY's user avatar
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Understanding different methods of covariance parametrization

In the paper it is noted that there are different ways to "parametrize" covariance. (page 4) What does "parametrizing" covariance mean exactly? In ...
Homer Sanchez's user avatar
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weighted multi class classification

i'm working on a multi class classification problem which classifies jellyfish and plastic pollution so basically i have 6 classes (barrel_jellyfish, compass_jellyfish, lions_mane_jellyfish, ...
Gabovix's user avatar
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Loss goes down but never below a certain treshold

I made a neural network in C#, I observe the loss goes down but never below a certain treshold. This is XOR function error graph: (The graph is every 4 samples, so for all the 4 possible combinations ...
CoffeDeveloper's user avatar
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StyleGAN 2 multiplies loss components with zero, why?

I found a rather odd piece of code in a 3.8k star repo of the well known StyleGAN 2 paper. In the loss function they use the following expression: ...
Klops's user avatar
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Solving an ODE with factors that span over orders of magnitude in the region of interest with PINN

I am trying to solve the following ordinary differential equation (ODE) with a physics informed neural network (PINN) $$ \frac{dZ}{dx} = A(x) (1-Z^2) \exp(-Z) - B(x) $$ where A(x) function varies in ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Is sparse categorical crossentropy support arbitrary custom label encoding?

As we know that in AI tools like tensorflow has loss named sparse_categorical_crossentropy which bassically ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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How and whether to apply Reinforcement Learning in an Environment with a precise and always available Evaluation?

Say we want to train an agent $A$ in an environment $E$ which provides a continuous loss $L$. That is, we want $A$ to choose its actions $a$ so that it minimizes the mistake it does, i.e., it ...
Mathy's user avatar
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Why is there a "reference free" option in DPO (Direct Preference Optimization)'s loss function?

There is a reference_free parameter in trl's loss function implementation of DPO, while the original DPO paper does not mention the concept of "reference free". In trl's implementation: <...
Yang Bo's user avatar
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Regression loss conditioned by the ground-truth values

I'm working on a regression problem with a CNN in which the input is a single image, and the output is an angle in degrees (which determines a specific measure related to the image). Sometimes, the ...
Cezoz08's user avatar
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What is the lowest possible loss for a language model?

Example: Suppose a character-level language model (three input letters to predict the next one), trained on a dataset which contains three instances of the sequence ...
ViniciusArruda's user avatar
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Multiple Loss Functions For Proper Parameter Updates [closed]

I am working on a model on PyTorch where it has two loss functions each fed from two separate input datasets. I want to update the model parameters based on these loss functions, ic_loss, res_loss, ...
Burak Karaosmanoğlu's user avatar
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Why does my loss function fluctuate so much?

I have a loss function that I'm trying to maximise using a neural network. While it does appear to increase and plateau over the training, it does so in a very "noisy" manner, spiking up and ...
VJ123's user avatar
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How to transform a loss function into a score function?

Loss_Function/Maximize_Function/Score_Function, CustomLoss, pytorch. Using Custom Loss for Maximizing Score in PyTorch I'm using a PyTorch model with an LSTM input layer, a linear hidden layer, and 3 ...
IAQuestions's user avatar
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What are the differences between loss surfaces that "derive"from different observations?

If I understand right that each observation whithin a dataset, creates a different loss surface where we want to find the global minimum. How different those surfaces one from another? Would it be ...
Igor's user avatar
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Simple reinforcement learning with human feedback to generate "pleasurable" visual output

I'm trying to build a simple reinforcement learning model that will output a set of parameters that will be passed to a GLSL shader. The human user will rate this visual output, for example "good&...
fiatmoney's user avatar
2 votes
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Fluctuations in loss during in epoch evaluation of GRU

I am training a one-layer unidirectional vanilla GRU on a next item prediction task with regard to the last 10 interacted items. In my original experiment, where I trained on approx. 5.5M samples and ...
PatrickSVM's user avatar
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Has anyone tried to train a GPT model predicting the next N tokens instead of the next one token?

I have been thinking about how learning via text works on humans: we read words, and often we need to read ahead a few words to understand more clearly the ideas that we read before. Most of the time, ...
bruno's user avatar
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Periodical fluctuations in loss curves

I am training a neural network (specifically a GRU based architecture but I think this is not too relevant for the question). My loss curves, especially the training loss but also the validation loss, ...
PatrickSVM's user avatar
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Why is my loss graph heavily fluctatuing?

I am working on a CNN project on an image dataset. I am applying Early Stopping technique in order to train the model. However, after training the model and obtaining the loss graph, it is heavily ...
Zelreedy's user avatar
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Does MSE loss function work in NN training for predicting values between 0-1?

In a NN regression problem, considering that MSE is squaring the error and the error is between 0 and 1 would it be pointless to use MSE as our loss function during model training? For example: ...
Darren Rahnemoon's user avatar
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What's wrong with our loss and PyTorch?

Given the samples $\vec{x_i} \in \mathbb{R}^d, i \in [1,..,l]$ where $l$ is the number of training samples, $d$ is the number of input features, the related target values $y_i \in \mathbb{R}$, and the ...
Filippo Portera's user avatar
4 votes
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GAN : Why does a perfect discriminator mean no gradient for the generator?

In the training of a Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) system, a perfect discriminator (D) is one which outputs 1 ("true image") for all images of the training dataset and 0 ("false ...
Soltius's user avatar
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3 answers

What is loss function in Neural Networks?

I've been studying NNs with tensorflow and decided to code a simple NN from scratch to get a better idea on hwo they work. It my understanding that the cost is used in backpropagation, so basically ...
user20170158's user avatar
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Multilabel text classification with highly imbalanced training data

I'm trying to train a multilabel text classification model using BERT. Each piece of text can belong to 0 or more of a total of 485 classes. My model consists of a dropout layer and a linear layer ...
Fijoy Vadakkumpadan's user avatar
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Training and validation loss are almost the same (perfect fit?)

I am developing an ANN from scratch which classifies MNIST digits. These are the curves I get using only one hidden layer composed of 100 neurons activated by ...
tail's user avatar
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2 answers

Val loss doesn’t decrease after a certain number of epochs

I’m working on a classification problem (500 classes). My NN has 3 fully connected layers, followed by an LSTM layer. I use nn.CrossEntropyLoss() as my loss ...
helloworld's user avatar
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Why is `SigmoidBinaryCrossEntropyLoss` in `DJL` implemented this way?

SigmoidBinaryCrossEntropyLoss implementation in DJL accepts two kinds of outputs from NNs: where sigmoid activation has already been applied. where raw NN output ...
src091's user avatar
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What does the adversarial loss in a GAN represent?

I'm working on Pix2Pix an image-to-image translation GAN, and I noticed that there is an adversarial loss implemented using BCE, and a L1 loss implemented using MAE. I know L1 loss represents the ...
CoderMath's user avatar
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Training loss decreases very fast after few epochs

I am implementing an ANN whose training loss is in Figure: As you can see training loss decreases very fast and it is approximately 3.2 at epochs 2, 3, ..., 8, ... 10, and so on. (batch learning) The ...
tail's user avatar
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Training a neural network simultaneously with two different loss functions rather than considering the weighted sum

This is a follow up on the already asked question: Is the neural network 100% accurate on training data if epoch loss is minimized to 0? I want to train a neural network that works as an approximator ...
Acad's user avatar
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How to use Categorical Cross Entropy for Multi-Label Classification?

Say my target with classes A, B, C, D, E is [0, 1, 1, 0, 0]. And my output layer is of B x N where N is the number of classes. ...
bluewander's user avatar
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What loss function will be correlated with classification metrics?

Recently I developed a custom training algorithm for deep learning models, based on evolutionary algorithms. Details are not important, except that it also uses decreasing regular cross entropy loss ...
GKozinski's user avatar
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Do we need to know or verify properties of loss functions / metrics' implementations?

I will start with an example, in order to get to the general question. I was reading the following paper ( about Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), ...
Theo Deep's user avatar
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Can MSE be used for NN categorical classification problems

I currently have a neural network that can manage to perform polynomial (single output) regression problems. I now want to upscale to classification problems (eg: image recognition). Can I do this ...
Gamaray's user avatar
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Non-Convex loss-surface although quadratic loss function

there is one problem which bugs me quite a long time, it is the non-convex loss shape (multiple minima, e.g. shown here) of neural networks which use a quadratic loss function. Question: Why is a “...
horsti's user avatar
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How to detect peak locations via Neural Networks?

As part of my masters thesis, I'm developing generative models for ECGs. Right now, I have a Denoising Diffusion Implicit model (DDIM), that transforms random noise into a valid ECG (2s long, or 1024 ...
Jackilion's user avatar
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How do I interpret this loss function?

In this AI note from, the loss function below is used for a regression problem. However, I don't know how to interpret this loss function. First, does the author take the ...
Zarif's user avatar
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Categorical loss function for variable number of labels

I have a model for binary classification. The target variable has the different number of labels (instances) in each sample. For example, a batch of size 2 with 2 and 3 instances and correspondingly ...
Mykola Zotko's user avatar
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"Tweaking" the cost function to penalize rarer cases more severely

I have a very unbalanced data set that I am running a CNN on for regression. Most of the values are 0, while it is possible for the values to range from 0 to 32. Is it possible to "tweak" ...
Paul Reiners's user avatar
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uniform gap between training and validation metrics

I am training a neural network (Deep and cross network) for a multi-label classification task (~700 labels). I have around 2.5 million samples, splitted 8/1/1 for train/test/validation. I am seeing a ...
Ryan's user avatar
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