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For questions about artificial networks, such as MLPs, CNNs, RNNs, LSTM, and GRU networks, their variants or any other AI system components that qualify as a neural networks in that they are, in part, inspired by biological neural networks.

3 votes

How Can I Backpropagate My Network with PPO

I didn't quite understand how the PPO updates the network, according to what? PPO implements what is called a policy gradient algorithm. What policy gradient is essentially doing is updating the pol …
penkovsky's user avatar
  • 284
2 votes

To what does the number of hidden layers in a neural network correspond?

This is a very interesting question that you ask. I believe, this post and this post (written by me) well address your question. However, it deserves an explanation here. 1. Fully connected networks T …
penkovsky's user avatar
  • 284
1 vote

Why did the developement of neural networks stop between 50s and 80s?

I will first address your main question "Why did the development of neural networks stop between 50s and 80s?" In 40-50s there was a lot of progress (McCulloch and Pitts); the perceptron was invented …
penkovsky's user avatar
  • 284