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What are the main differences between skip-gram and continuous bag of words?

So as you're probably already aware of, CBOW and Skip-gram are just mirrored versions of each other. CBOW is trained to predict a single word from a fixed window size of context words, whereas Skip-...
Edoardo Guerriero's user avatar
2 votes

What are the main differences between skip-gram and continuous bag of words?

Word embeddings are the results of learning from deep learning algorithms, which can learn characters from data through feature extraction. One implementation of word embedding is word2vec. Word2vec ...
Aanisah R's user avatar
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Dot notation for matrix element index in formula of word2vec embedding calculation

The notation $W_{k, \cdot}$ likely refers to the $k$-th row of $W$. The dot just suggests taking all the elements in the row. It is just a convenient way to index an entire row of a matrix. Similar ...
hff1's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "continuous" in a continuous bag-of-words model?

A bag-of-words-model (BOW) is usually used to represent a text: you throw all the words together (as if in a bag), without keeping track of their sequence. This is a gross simplification over a text, ...
Oliver Mason's user avatar
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Is my interpretation of the mathematics of the CBOW and Skip-Gram models correct?

The following figure from this article can be helpful: This figure represents "Skip-Gram model structure. Current center word is 'passes'".
OmG's user avatar
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