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Predicting Values with Bayesian Neural Network

I want to use a Bayesian Neural Network for a regression task. To do that I converted a BNN from this paper to Python 3. The provided training script runs and I receive a pickle file, which I want to ...
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1 answer

What is the difference between an input and observed data in a Bayesian neural network?

I'm new to the Bayesian perspective and would appreciate clarity on this. In a few resources concerning Bayesian deep learning (such as this one), I see this notation: $p(y|x, D) = \int p(y|x, \theta)...
1 vote
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variational inference but with a weighted loglikelihood

I would like to know if it's correct if I substitute in the ELBO formula a weighted sum of the loglikelihood $$\sum E_{q_{\theta}(w)}[w_i \ln{p(y_i|f^{w}(x_i))}]$$ in place of the traditional sum. ...
2 votes
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What are the practical problems where full bayesian treatment is affordable?

Suppose, I have a problem, where there is rather a small number of training samples, and transfer learning from ImageNet or some huge NLP dataset is not relevant for this task. Due to the small number ...