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For questions about applications of Artificial Intelligence (and Machine Learning) algorithms.

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What is not an applicaton of AI?

With the AI era, everyone says everything is AI, which doesn't seem to be the case. What is advertised as AI and isn't? For example, (1) Google's PageRank algorithm is called AI, is it really AI? (2) ...
Humberto José Bortolossi's user avatar
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What are the most useful AI features in smartphones for daily tasks?

I’ve been super curious about the AI stuff in smartphones lately. I know it’s everywhere now, but I’m not sure what’s actually useful for everyday stuff. Like, I’ve heard about voice assistants, ...
Amelia Davis's user avatar
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A concept for a simple NN as a transfer function for an hydraulic cylinder

For a RL project, my collagues and me need to create a virtual environment with an excavator, which needs to replicate a real existing excavator. The idea is to have a simulator, which simulate ...
Dave's user avatar
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What are disadvantages/limitations of Monte Carlo Tree Search in RL?

What are disadvantages/limitations of Monte Carlo Tree Search in RL, and hence for what kind of applications might its use not be appropriate?
DSPinfinity's user avatar
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Need some feedback on an idea for using reinforcement learning in the context of medical imaging reconstruction

Disclaimer -- this idea may be totally half-baked, I'm not sure. I have used deep learning models in image reconstruction before (and this is a super hot topic in the field right now), but only in the ...
t_h's user avatar
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Is it possible to detect image manipulation, for example deep fakes?

Is it possible to detect image manipulation, for example deep fakes? I will publish some photos on internet, and want others to be able to verify if photos are really from me, and also to detect if ...
Qsig's user avatar
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How are POMDPs solved in practice?

In the literature that I've seen so far on how to either exactly or approximately solve POMDPs (Partially-Observable Markov Decision Processes), there seems to be a lot of focus placed on maintaining ...
QMath's user avatar
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Forum to discuss deep learning ideas

Is anyone aware of an idea exchange for ai/deep learning/data science? I occasionally have ideas that don't relate to my focus areas that I would love to discuss with those who might like to hear ...
Nerdx86's user avatar
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Does LSTM provide any unique value or advantages compared to other algorithms, including "vanilla" RNN?

I have heard a lot of hype around LSTM for all kinds of time-series based applications including NLP. Despite this, I haven't seen many (if any) applications of LSTM where LSTM performs uniquely well ...
Vladimir Belik's user avatar
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Today's Practicality of Bayesian Neural Networks

Just having heard lately about BNNs (wow, ANNs and CNNs are clear; now there's a B? What's that? Ahh, Bayesian ;-)) and quickly getting their main idea and focus, that is, weights not being pure ...
Mathy's user avatar
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How to configure a neural network to selectively change only certain characters in a string?

I'm trying to figure out how to train a neural network to macronize Latin text. Essentially, in Latin, vowels can either be long or short, and length is indicated with a macronized character: i.e. o ...
Ben Peng's user avatar
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How to properly combine multiple readings/measurements?

In an AI application (for example, self-driving), there are usually many different reading devices/sensors to ensure the outcome is correct. More specifically, a self-driving car can use object ...
seermer's user avatar
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Why do Convolution Neural Networks work on NLP/sequential tasks?

I have read some articles where people use 1D CNN for NLP tasks like sentiment analysis. My questions are, given that CNNs are largely used for images, how/why does this work on sequences/NLP tasks? ...
cookiecutter's user avatar
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Usability of power series in AI analysis

In mathematics, power series is given by $$f(x) = \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} c_n (x-a)^n$$ where $c_n , a \in \mathbb{R}$ Although most of the courses in academics cover moment generating functions in ...
hanugm's user avatar
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How can AlphaZero be used in other industries besides gaming?

I'm an AI Engineering student from Belgium and I'm writing my bachelor thesis on the creation of a chess computer with deep reinforcement learning based on AlphaZero. My implementation can be found ...
zjeffer's user avatar
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How is AI used in Internet of Things?

I would really appreciate it if someone would explain how AI is used in IoT. In the papers that I have found, half of the paper itself is about what IoT is and very few information about how AI is ...
Drilon Aliu's user avatar
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What are the state-of-the-art AI methods to recognize elements on webpages or the purpose of webpage?

I'm curious to know about the capabilities of AI today in 2022. I know that AI has become pretty good at recognizing things like objects in photos. But what about when it comes to elements in HTML? ...
kenshin9's user avatar
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How to represent multiple-output logic circuits in tree-based genetic programming

Consider the following digital logic circuit, which has multiple inputs and one output: The logic circuit above can be represented in tree form: This tree representation could then be used in a tree-...
Flux's user avatar
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Does reaching the global optima guarantee good performance in a task?

It is to my understanding that, in deep learning, we are essentially trying to minimize the loss function that we have defined and reach its global optima through some form of optimization technique. ...
tangolin's user avatar
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Is there any simple example for volumetric data except from physics and medicine?

Recently I heard about the term volumetric data. The definition for volumetric data is as follows #1: Definition Volumetric data is typically a set S of samples $(x, y, z, v)$, representing the value ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Do any practical deep learning algorithms deal with tensors containing non-real entries?

In deep learning, most of the applications are from text and images. Both text and images can be converted into a tensor of real numbers. Other than both mentioned above, there may be some other real-...
hanugm's user avatar
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Can AI be used for grading code copy exercises and adjust difficulty based on these scores?

I'm a senior in a bachelor Multimedia and Creative Technology. My experience is mostly full-stack web app development. For my bachelor's thesis, I need to do research in a subject I have no experience ...
Kobe Marchal's user avatar
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When is an object detection approach over a CNN approach appropriate?

I understand that CNNs are for image classification while object detection is for localization + classification of the objects detected. However, in particular, AI for chest radiographs, why is object ...
ddd's user avatar
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When should we use CNN instead of MLP?

Is CNN only applicable to time-series data or image data? When should we use CNN instead of MLP?
user366312's user avatar
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Where to start with reinforced learning on actions and rewards sampled from slow ongoing real life system

I would like some pointers, possible projects that solve conceptually similar goals, code examples or tutorials. I am trying to achieve a system that is able to start or stop ventilation of a given ...
sanyi's user avatar
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How can GPT-3 be used for designing electronic circuits from text descriptions?

I was wondering if it is possible to use GPT-3 to translate text description of a circuit to any circuit design language program, which in turn can be used to make the circuit. If it is possible, what ...
Aether's user avatar
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What are the practical problems where full bayesian treatment is affordable?

Suppose, I have a problem, where there is rather a small number of training samples, and transfer learning from ImageNet or some huge NLP dataset is not relevant for this task. Due to the small number ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
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Can Reinforcement Learning be used to generate sequences?

Can we use reinforcement learning for sequence-to-sequence tasks? If yes, whether or not this is a good choice, how could this be done?
penguin_smasher's user avatar
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Are there any successful applications of transformers of small size (<10k weights)?

In the problems of NLP and sequence modeling, the Transformer architectures based on the self-attention mechanism (proposed in Attention Is All You Need) have achieved impressive results and now are ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
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What's up with Neural Stochastic Differential Equations from a practical standpoint?

I've spent a few days reading some of the new papers about Neural SDEs. For example, here is one from Tzen and Raginsky and here is one that came out simultaneously by Peluchetti and Favaro. There are ...
jeffery_the_wind's user avatar
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What are the biggest barriers to get RL in production?

I am studying the state of the art of Reinforcement Learning, and my point is that we see so many applications in the real world using Supervised and Unsupervised learning algorithms in production, ...
Alexandre Krul's user avatar
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Is non-negative matrix factorization for machine learning obsolete?

I am taking a course about using matrix factorization for machine learning. The first thing that came into my mind is by using the matrix factorization we are always limited to linear relationships ...
Rami ZK's user avatar
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What are the fundamental differences between VAE and GAN for image generation?

Starting from my own understanding, and scoped to the purpose of image generation, I'm well aware of the major architectural differences: A GAN's generator samples from a relatively low dimensional ...
Alexander Soare's user avatar
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Can you use machine learning for data with binary outcomes?

I am totally new to artificial intelligence and neural networks and have a broad question that I hope is appropriate to ask here. I am an ecologist working in animal movement and I want to use AI to ...
mb5572's user avatar
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Are there applications of Grenander's pattern theory in pattern recognition or for implementing algorithms?

I came across Grenander's work "Probabilities on Algebraic Structures" recently, and I found that much of Grenander's work focused on what he called "Pattern Theory." He's written ...
Jason's user avatar
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Can we use transformers for audio classification tasks?

Since transformers are good at processing sequential data, can we also use them for audio classification problems (same as RNNs)?
Isuru Sachitha's user avatar
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What kind of problems is DQN algorithm good and bad for?

I know this is a general question, but I'm just looking for intuition. What are the characteristics of problems (in terms of state-space, action-space, environment, or anything else you can think of) ...
mark mark's user avatar
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What are the use-cases of self-replicating neural networks?

I started researching the subject of self-replication in neural networks, and unexpectedly I saw that there is not much research on this subject. I should mention I am new in the field of NNs. This ...
Ezeeroc's user avatar
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Are there any meaningful books entirely written by an artificial intelligence?

Are there any meaningful books entirely written by an artificial intelligence? I mean something with meaning, unlike random words or empty books. Something that can be charactersed as fiction ...
Joe Jobs's user avatar
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What is a "learned emulator"?

In this article, the term "learned emulator" is used. Recently, scientists have started creating "learned emulators" using AI neural network approaches, but have not yet fully ...
confused's user avatar
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Why is domain adaptation and generative modelling for knowledge graphs still not applied widely in enterprise data? What are the challenges?

I see that domain adaptation and transfer learning has been widely adopted in image classification and semantic segmentation analysis. But it's still lacking in providing solutions to enterprise data, ...
Jey 's user avatar
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What are examples of problems where neural networks have achieved human-level or higher performance?

What are examples of problems where neural networks have been used and have achieved human-level or higher performance? Each answer can contain one or more examples. Please, provide links to research ...
nbro's user avatar
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What are some other real-life examples of simple policies but complex value functions?

Hado van Hasselt, a researcher at DeepMind, mentioned in one of his videos (from 7:20 to 8:20) on Youtube (about policy gradient methods) that there are cases when the policy is very simple compared ...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
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Are neural networks really used apart from specific hi-tech organisations?

This is a generic question. Still posting it to get insights from experts in the field. I am interested in knowing if Neural Networks are used in general apart from specific hi-tech organizations. If ...
S Datta's user avatar
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What is the scope of real-world deep learning applications in 2020?

2015 was a milestone year for AI--"deep learning" was validated in a very public way with AlphaGo. However, at the time, the question was raised: "What else is deep learning good for?&...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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How do AIs like Siri and Alexa respond to their names being called?

AIs like Siri and Alexa respond to their names being called. How does the system recognize the name by ignoring all the other words that have been said before their name? For example, "Hey Siri&...
Sarem Hailemeskel's user avatar
7 votes
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Can GANs be used to generate something other than images?

AFAIK, GANs are used for generating/synthesizing near-perfect human faces (deepfakes), gallery arts, etc., but can GANs be used to generate something other than images?
Pluviophile's user avatar
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How is depth perception (e.g. in autonomous driving) addressed without using a Lidar or Radar unit?

For practical applications, like autonomous driving, depth perception is needed to make useful decisions. How is this normally addressed without using a LIDAR or RADAR unit (but using a camera)?
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Do transformers have success in other domains different than NLP?

Everybody knows how successful transformers have been in NLP. Is there known work on other domains (e.g that also have a sequential natural way of occurring, such as stock price prediction or other ...
Schach21's user avatar
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Creating 4k HDR video from 720p footage

So, my company recently bought a big 4k HDR TV for our reception, where we keep showing some videos that were originally shot/created at 720p resolution. Before this, we had a relatively small HD TV, ...
Mefitico's user avatar
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