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13 votes
3 answers

What is a recurrent neural network?

Surprisingly, this wasn't asked before - at least I didn't find anything besides some vaguely related questions. So, what is a recurrent neural network, and what are their advantages over regular (or ...
olinarr's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

What is the fundamental difference between CNN and RNN?

What is the fundamental difference between convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks? Where are they applied?
Pradeep BV's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between LSTM and RNN?

What is the difference between LSTM and RNN? I know that RNN is a layer used in neural networks, but what exactly is an LSTM? Is it also a layer with the same characteristics?
Mao76's user avatar
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Is the capability of RNN more than the capability of MLP?

Consider the following excerpt paragraph taken from the section titled "Recurrent Neural Networks" of the chapter 10: Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets of the textbook named ...
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