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2 answers

Which type of neural network to use to classify data by which equation most likely generated it?

Problem Summary: Identify which equation a set of data was most likely generated from Problem Description: Let's say I have two different equations that are functions of variables X and Y and ...
Nova's user avatar
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Improving validation losses and accuracy for 3D CNN

I have used a 3D CNN architecture, for detecting the presence of a particular promoter (MGMT), by using FLAIR brain scans. (64 slices per patient). The output is supposed to be binary (0/1). I have ...
satan 29's user avatar
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Preparing data set for the YOLO algorithm

Hi I am working on a project which requires the You Only Look Once algorithm in order to classify and localise objects within images. I have to prepare my dataset (which has 2 classes, and predicts 6 ...
jr123456jr987654321's user avatar
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Is using a filter of size (1, x, y) on a 3D convolutional layer the same as using a filter of size (x,y) on a 2D convolutional layer?

I'm trying to predict some properties of videos with Keras using the following rough architecture: Feed each frame through the same 2-D convolutional layer. Take the outputs of this 2-D ...
J. Pistachio's user avatar
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Hand-Signs Recognition using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks

I am developing a CNN model to recognize 24 hand-signs of American Sign Language. I have 2500 Images/hand-sign. The data split is: Training = 1250 Images/hand-sign Validation = 625 Images/hand-sign ...
mayuresh_sa's user avatar
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How to compute the number of weights of a CNN?

How can we theoretically compute the number of weights considering a convolutional neural network that is used to classify images into two classes: INPUT: 100x100 gray-scale images. LAYER 1: ...
estamos's user avatar
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Is CNN capable of extracting the descriptive statistics features

I was trying to build a CNN model. I used time series data of daily temperature to predict if there is risk of an event, say bacteria growth. I calculated the descriptive statistics of the time series,...
nilsinelabore's user avatar
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What is the fastest way to train a CNN with billions of examples?

I have a CNN model that I need to train for a large scale genomics application. It is working well with a subset of my training data. I have scaled up to a subset of about 130 million examples and ...
J. Montgomery's user avatar
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1 answer

Understanding the intuition behind Content Loss (Neural Style Transfer) [closed]

I'm trying to understand the intuition behind how the Content Loss is calculated in a Neural Style Transfer. I'm reading from an articles:
Hazzaldo's user avatar
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Understanding CNN+LSTM concept with attention and need help

I have a question about the context of CNN and LSTM. I have trained a CNN network for image classification. However, I would like to combine it with LSTM for visualizing the attention weights. So, I ...
Joker's user avatar
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Convolutional Layers on a hexagonal grid in Keras [closed]

Keras' convolutional and deconvolutional layers are designed for square grids. Is there was a way to adapt them for use in hexagonal grids? For example, if we were using axial coordinates, the input ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Ensemble Learning using Convolutional Neural Networks

I have created 22 different Convolutional neural networks that all test for the presence of unique objects in an image (each one of the classifiers is unique). Each sample in the test set has the ...
rajkarthikkumar's user avatar