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How can $\nabla \hat{v}\left(S_{t}, \mathbf{w}_{t}\right)$ be 1 for $S_{t}$ 's group's component and 0 for the other components?

In Sutton's RL:An introduction 2nd edition it says the following(page 203): State aggregation is a simple form of generalizing function approximation in which states are grouped together, with one ...
Miguel Saraiva's user avatar
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Can I always interpret features as random variables in machine learning safely?

Consider the following statements from Chapter 5: Machine Learning Basics from the book titled Deep Learning (by Aaron Courville et al.) Machine learning tasks are usually described in terms of how ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What are bag-of-features in computer vision?

In computer vision, what are bag-of-features (also known as bag-of-visual-words)? How do they work? What can they be used for? How are they related to the bag-of-words model in NLP?
nbro's user avatar
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How to calculate a meaningful distance between multidimensional tensors

TLDR: given two tensors $t_1$ and $t_2$, both with shape $(c,h,w),$ how shall the distance between them be measured? More Info: I'm working on a project in which I'm trying to distinguish between an ...
Hadar Sharvit's user avatar